Saturday, April 29, 2023

Lenten Season: Celebrating the Lord's Resurrection at Easter

 Lenten Season is a time to reflect on Jesus's sacrifice and to prepare our hearts for Easter We celebrate Semana Santa or Lenten Season as a family and religion tradition, participating in a variety of activities.

First, in remembrance of Christ's death, we are performing what is known as a visita iglesia, in which we go to seven churches on Lenten Season is a time to reflect on Jesus's sacrifice and to prepare our hearts for Easter We celebrate Semana Santa or Lenten Season as a family and religion tradition, participating in a variety of activities.

First, in remembrance of Christ's death, we are performing what is known as a visita iglesia, in which we go to seven churches on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

Second, we visit the beach every Easter Sunday in the belief that seeing the sun rising over the water while barefoot in the sand serves as a reminder of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the actual significance of the holiday marked by sweets. 

The third and final, is family getting together to discuss our views and religions.

Overall, the Lenten season is a lasting tradition in my life and season to observe and commemorate the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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